I was planted. (you too).
And the Son of Man
Whispered to me (and you),
“I have a plan for you.
I will make you fruitful.
Keep your head turned up
Into my sunlight,
And wiggle the toes of your roots
In my moisture. Smile into
My wind and rain
And you will live.
And when it is dry
And the world cracks around you
And you’re drooping
And browning and weak,
Send your roots down
Deeper, send them
Searching, sucking,
Longing, and you will
Always find me.
I long for you
To long for Me.
And you will be
A strong tree, with roots
The size of your branches,
As deep as you are tall.
And your fruit will be
Round and sweet;
It will burst to the bite,
Baptizing the lips
Of those who taste
In sweet golden goodness.
And you will teach them
Of the water deep below,
And the sun, and the soil,
And you will paint
Portraits of my face
With your branches.
You will tell my story
With the breeze
Through your leaves.
But most of all,
You will give them my taste.
It will be the sweetness of my fruit
In the mouths of children
That will speak of me.
They will pluck from you.
Your broken branches
Will hand them a gift
Of my making.
And they will bite.
The yellow-orange
Soft-furred flesh,
The slight pop of its breaking,
The sweet juice
That runs like rivers
Of costly joy.
Through you
They will taste and see
That I am good.
Are a metaphor
For Me.”
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